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You Are Sovereign

We have the power of Christ to control everything concerning our being. We are not subject to our emotions or the conditions that have once enslaved us. The Kingdom is ours. We don’t have to look outside of us for it. There is no great mystery of significant concern. We have dominion. Chin up and run your show. Be the real you.

“You have been allowing your rebellious subjects to keep the King from his throne. You have been allowing the mental kingdom to be misgoverned by irresponsible faculties. You have been the slaves of Appetite, Unworthy Thoughts, Passion and Negativeness.

The Will has been set aside and Low Desire has usurped the throne. It is time to reestablish order in the mental kingdom. You are able to assert the mastery over any emotion, appetite, passion or class of thoughts by the assertion of the Will.

You can order fear to go to the rear; jealously to leave your presence; hate to depart from your sight; anger to hide itself; worry to cease troubling you; uncontrolled appetite and passion to bow in submission and to become humble slaves instead of masters - all by the assertion of the “I.”

You may surround yourself with the glorious company of courage, love and self-control, by the same means. You may put down the rebellion and secure peace and order in your mental kingdom if you will but utter the mandate and insist upon its execution. Before you march forth to empire, you must establish the proper internal condition must show your ability to govern you own kingdom. The first battle is the conquest of the lesser self by the Real Self.” - William Walker Atkinson

“And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke‬ ‭17:20-21

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