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The Royal Doctor Part 1

The transition to next level thought has been the most exciting period of my life. With experiencing so much tragedy, physically and spiritually around me, I grew to a point where I felt that there was nothing of spiritual significance left to loose. So, I was prompted to dive fearlessly deeper into exploration.

One of my closest friends became a grandmother of a beautiful baby girl. At around two years old, she started to see people in other forms that were not visible to those around her. These beings were communicating and even playing with her. Knowing what I thought I knew, the entities in no way were to be trusted.

As my friend would tell me stories of her granddaughter's experience, my heart would not allow me to consider her encounters to be anything sinister. This was at the height of the QAnon conspiracies and everything seemed to be going haywire with what was being perceived on earth. My instinct was to remain curious and to make no absolute judgments.

Something didn't feel right and at that time I knew it my duty to get to the bottom of all the confusion I had come to witness in the controversy concerning spirituality and our specific roles on earth.

Growing up in the church system, it was a given that witches were evil and all acts associated with their craft were strictly forbidden in scripture by the Most High God. So, my exploration began with addressing why these activities were banned.

I went through a process of joining many spiritual groups online to gather what I could in understanding the inspiration behind these groupings. It wasn't very long before it was brought to my attention that the rituals and spiritual rites practiced in "witchcraft" has roots in Hebrew scripture and their cultural customs. My greatest interest at the time was in the crystal gems being used by the High Priests of God and the significance of use in healing. Looking to reconcile conflict between the two camps, I began to create articles highlighting common practices between these seemingly opposing parties.

After joining the groups, I noticed a number of the women were newly open and looking for answers. Many were getting and giving readings to each other by using Tarot cards. I was curious but very hesitant to have one done on myself.

The turning point came when Mervyn thought to test my "gang-star" in a retail store by asking me what I thought the total balance to pay would be. I guessed it $234.00 and it was just that. My poor heart became so confused and excited at the same time. How did I guess that? Was there change? What was the amount of change? The walk to the car was long. I wanted to see the receipt. He handed it to me when we settled in the car. The total was $234.79.

79 cents???? Wait.. What?! Ok, so I more than tapped in... this was personal to me as 1979 is the year of my birth. This is what started my diving even deeper into our doctrine on the State of the Dead and the nature of our spirit world.

God made it very clear to me that my investigation would be protected by all of heaven. Therefore, I started with the list specifically documented in the writings of Ellen White to have been acts of Satan. Knowing that there is only one power controlled by God, this allowed me to follow through with total confidence concerning my safety.

In this particular season, I began to notice many in spiritual groups were performing Tarot card readings online. It was understood that waves of people were coming into the knowledge of being able to communicate with Spirit through the guides operating in our subconscious.

Traditional women of color in America avoided and most often condemned such activity because of the negative association with the churches disapproving stance. It was very interesting for me to watch. But naturally my curiosity brought me to wanting to understand why.

Verses seeming to condemn various means of communication with Spirit was also in a list of activities to be removed that gave the Children of Israel a spiritual advantage over the world. My take was that the bans were a consequence of misuse and not due to them being ungodly tools. Spirituality was our food.

“The Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, will take away from Jerusalem and Judah everything they depend on: every bit of bread and every drop of water, all their heroes and soldiers, judges and prophets, fortune-tellers and elders, army officers and high officials, advisers, skilled sorcerers, and astrologers.” Isaiah‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭3‬

Notice how the High Priestess is holding the Torah..

There were certain women I became drawn to for the opportunity to gather wisdom from their testimonies. One that stood out for her willingness to help others was brought to a loving LIGHT that had rescued her heart from despair. This encounter inspired her to be a witness for the Love of God. She had first hand experience with the purity found in the LIGHT and desired for those hurting in the world to experience the same relief.

The young lady was offering Tarot readings and classes on spiritual gift development. The way in which she responded to the comments on her post had a different tone than the typical hirelings using spirituality for personal gain. While I was interested in getting a reading, I wasn't going to allow just anyone access to my spiritual business.

We made an appointment to conference call once I was settled on allowing a sample lesson to take place. I was so curious on what she would do to go about this free evaluation/lesson. She lead me to ground my energy and to visualize answers to her questions in my mind's eye. After the session she determined that I was highly intuitive and that it may benefit to develop my talents.

Due to my experience being so refreshing in the lesson, I requested my first reading with her. What I appreciated in the reading was that I did not get anything that I didn't already first hear myself. It was like a second witness to the messages I was already receiving. This created a standard for me. No one can know anything about me before I do.

Her reading gave quite a bit of insight but I could feel forces not pleased with what was happening. The reading she gave was geared toward unconditional love but my heart still held departments dead set on retribution for my people by any means necessary and was looking for who it was to repay.

I was at a point where I was so open that I could hear arguments over what it is that I should know and what I was not to tell. The entities wanted to frighten and confuse. I felt their panic. It got so weird to were I found myself trying to soothe the panic in them with explaining in detail my exact intention. It was like I was dealing with people who heard rumors of how a person like me were going to destroy their comfort zone. Of course this is all happening in my head and I only pretended to know what the hell was going on.

Looking back a little, I remembered an experience I had with a pastor over the phone. The book of Revelation or Apocalypse of John was on my radar as it was shown to me to be a collection of Egyptian Oracles. In conversation, the pastor proceeded to inform me of how he thought I was in error. But in mid sentence he corrected himself. He stated he had just received word that I had come to clear up error. He also stated that I should know him as a minor prophet and what he is saying is accurate. It honestly creeped me out to witness someone's mind being arrested real time and changing his opinion.

There were three distinct incidences where people have stated that I was given the gift of discernment or that I was a seer of some sort. Every time this happened before that first reading, I scoffed at the idea. My father was a seer for his church and unfortunately I thought him most often delusional especially with his declarations of being friends with God.

Naturally the nagging questioning haunted me with "What or who am I?" It seemed that the question kept getting louder. Random people started to someone wink at me with the question in their statements to me about knowing who I am. This brings me to inquiring into past lives and if it were a legit concept.

I try not to make it a habit of studying or searching. I ask God questions then I wait for the unfolding of the answers in a way for it to be best retained. That is how I asked God about past lives. Figuring that we are one, anyone could come back identifying as a familiar energy. Or was there something to it?

The groups I joined were eclectic. Many discussed magic, past lives, astral projection and space travel, manifestation, spells of protection, ancient aliens and much more on the lines of stranger things. One day another woman stood out by given readings to people informing of what their star system of origin was. Nosey me wanted to know how I would be read by her. She stated that I was from Sirius. Of course you hear that all the originals are from there. So it wasn't taken as some grand revealing.

I thought maybe I should go ahead and ask God to show me someone I can trust to give me a past life reading. It felt imperative for me to allow God to always be the one to choose who is to confirm with me. The young lady that was brought to my attention had a heart of service but was also just starting out in her field. Ego wasn't sensed in her work.

Most messages from Spirit will need to be revisited for proper clarity. She mentioned how passed lives can be viewed as infinite. But for my reading, she requested to be shown one with significance to my current manifestation of life. The reading highlighted a theme I seem to repeat....

I lived in the royal palace but had feelings as if I were held against my will to be used and manipulated by toxic masculine monarchs. My 3 children are being held captive away from me and my influence. However, I have been allowed to watch over them through forms of astral projection.

At this point my curiosity is blazing. Clubhouse was also a interesting place to plug into. It had given me a place to study the thoughts of many more people on this topic. One morning I received an alert on my phone for free Akashic readings. I had time so I requested one. There were two others before me and their readings were pretty basic... advice on handling business disputes and encouragement out of depression. My expectations for anything significant to gain was low. I was just being nosey and wanted to know how people went about giving such readings.

They were giving two separate readings. One was a general Tarot and the other woman gave readings from the Akashic records. The woman giving the general reading became noticeable uneasy during as if she was getting something she had never seen before. She basically asked me what I did for a living. I answered with my standard, "wife and mother".. It was stated that I have weath that seems to be unheard of. It seemed every card she pulled was of financial freedom and unprecedented success.

The next woman giving readings from the records asked permission to access mines. Of course I agreed. She also began to show signs of confusion as she described what she saw. There was a lot of hesitation as she spoke of crystals and purple everywhere she looked. My first thought was that the royal family wasn't telling them jack about me but that I must come from something important and seriously hush hush.

However, my life experience can very well change up man's supposed plans for me. I am free and will do what I find to be best from my own experiences.

I guess we will see how all this plays out.....

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