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Rest Everyday

Updated: Mar 6, 2023

The “beast and his image” can be seen as the Mother Church and their daughters or systems that reflect her asylums. These entities tend to mirror her tactics.

The song of Moses leads the children of God into the true rest that Christ alone offers.

We are to look to God for deliverance from anything that would disconnect us from our DIRECT connection to heavenly wisdom. This original position, before we failed to see the value of Eden, is the gift we are rejecting from Christ Jesus.

This controversy is symbolized by the physical in a variety of ways…

God vs Idols of any form

God vs Personal Understanding

God vs Fear

God vs Money

Everything that exists in our reality has a great function for use at it’s appointed time, but only God empowers holiness (wholeness.. peace… satisfaction… mental stability…)

The churches were previously instrumental in setting up a type to represent this controversy between God and the traditions of man. There is nothing in this world that saves man from the trials it offers. All we have here has the potential to be corrupted in the passing of time and should be used until the appropriate phase of change is presented.

Religious liberty is our campaign, Love is our guide and Christ is how our hope is fed.

“As God called the children of Israel out of Egypt, that they might keep his Sabbath, so he calls his people out of Babylon, that they may not worship the beast nor his image. The man of sin, who thought to change times and laws, has exalted himself above God, by presenting this spurious sabbath to the world; the Christian world has accepted the child of papacy, and cradled and nourished it, thus defying God by removing his memorial and setting up a rival sabbath.” SpTA01b 16.2

The Sabbath is neither Sunday nor Saturday in the spiritual world. Everything we use here on earth symbolize heavenly principle. Heaven’s perfection can only be reflected in earth’s atmosphere as we resurrect and rise to a level acceptable to receive the light that LOVE longs to reveal.

Our finger should only point to Christ for salvation, if it is our mission to save. A day of worship can be faked better than a lace front. This controversy happens to be taking place within us. God that lives in you and has never left or the gods without who warn of the AntiChrist while being anti-Christ.

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