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I am Ivory James Webb, the founder of Present Healing Ministry, lover of great food, amateur farmer, mother of 7 and wife of over 20 years. Thank you for visiting my page. I pray you leave here better than before you arrived. 


My journey to wholeness could be considered a novel series by itself. Growing up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church has proven to be one of the greatest blessings of my spiritual life. Having experience in mystical religion has given me an opportunity to easily build on a strong foundation of faith and knowledge as a base for metaphysical healing.


Relationships and peace within them has been the highlight of my journey. Understanding the importance of our unity and love as a people has been my mission. 


Join me as we grow together in the spirit of Christ to overcome all adversity by having faith in our ability to create a new earth. 


Your Digital Wellness Coach and Jesus Girl. 

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